Healthcare Program

The main objectives of this program are to provide health awareness through holding health sessions, to provide medical prescription through qualified physician, to provide diagnosis service, physiotherapy, nutrition and life saving medicines free of cost.

Under this program, poor community members including those affected by Sidr and AlLA victims in the southern disaster prone Districts are offered treatment, diagnosis, free medicine and patient transportation services at the doorstep of the beneficiaries through running hospitals, medical centers, ambulance, river motor lunch and so on. This program comprise the following programs and projects:

Ambulance Service
DDEF provide a Ambulance Service support for the poor patients in the grass roots level of Barguna District going for many hospital.

Distribution of Assistive Device
DDEF distributed many assistive devices (like- Wheel Chair, Crutch, Toilet Chair, White Can) in favor of poor parson with disabilities in the Barguna District.

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